Why Being Healthy Is Not Selfish
It’s so easy to think that being healthy is selfish. We live in a world that tells us we should be skinny, have perfect skin, white teeth, and spend hours at the gym. So when we take care of ourselves, it can feel like we’re doing it for all the wrong reasons. Told that we should be doing it for our partners or our families, our friends, or even for stranger.
But the truth is, being healthy is not selfish. It’s actually one of the most selfless things that you can do. When you are healthy, you have more energy, you’re able to be more present, and you’re able to give more of yourself to the people and causes that you care about. So if you wanna make a difference in the world, start by taking care of.
It’s not selfish, it’s smart, and it just might change the world.
Need help getting back on track? Check my new masterclass “The Arms By Kristine” here.